Events - Month View
The event calendar shows upcoming club events. Select a view then use the navigation buttons to move
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location, fees and any rules regarding attendance; you can also register for events from this screen.
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Monthly Board Mtg via Zoom
LWVUS Federal Judiciary Study town Hall to allow League members to learn more about the Federal Judiciary
Monthly meeting: 1st Wed of the month. Advocacy addresses our areas of emphasis that are decided annually by our membership.
Don McEnhill, policy director of the Russian Riverkeepers, will give us an update on the history of the historic ruling on groundwater over-pumping, and what the County will do going forward.
Committee responsible for Voter Registration & Education, including Forums, Pros & Cons, & HS and College registration. Meets 2nd Thurs. of the month.
Livestreamed on Facebook, later shared to YouTube
Virtual Birthday Rally celebrating The League‘s 105th birthday and honoring the power of women in defending democracy. "From Locally to Nationally: Women Defend Democracy"
League of Women Voters Book Discussions
The conference room on the 3rd floor.
Come by to learn how you can get active in the league, meet other members and see our office.
This is an in person event where we will discuss what we want our League to focus on for advocacy in the coming year. All members are encouraged to share their thoughts. Bring a dish to share.
LWV of Sonoma County Office
Join us as we explore ways to Stand Up for Democracy. Currently our focus is sharing basic civics information and how to join local boards & commissions with the public. Be a part of this important work!!